Experience working in the field of human rights through internships with the GC.

Internships at the Geneva Centre provide invaluable practical experience in human rights research, project management, and public relations. Each internship serves as a unique opportunity to gain hands-on experience, working intimately on projects within a human rights organization that holds consultative status in UN ECOSOC. Interns may be granted accreditation badges, allowing them to attend meetings at the UN in Geneva, thereby facilitating a complete immersion in an international environment.

The internship positions are flexible, available on a full-time or part-time basis, contingent upon an agreement with the university, and can be conducted remotely. However, spending a portion of the internship physically present at the Geneva Centre would be advantageous. Upon completion of the internship, the Geneva Centre will graciously provide interns with a letter of recommendation and a certificate to acknowledge their contributions and accomplishments.


Akane Iwahara is currently pursuing a master’s degree in International Development Studies at the Geneva Graduate Institute (IHEID). Her passion lies in the protection of human rights and child rights in the education field. Akane has been actively involved in campus organizations such as Contemporary East Asia Initiatives, where she engaged in communication and public relations.

Akane embarked on an enriching internship journey with the Geneva Centre for Human Rights Advancement and Global Dialogue from October 2023 to January 2024. Throughout her internship, she undertook various responsibilities aimed at advancing the organization’s mission of promoting human rights globally.

One of Akane’s primary tasks involved conducting in-depth research and crafting a comprehensive paper on the pressing issues of human trafficking and migrant smuggling. Her dedication to thorough research and her ability to analyze complex issues were evident in the quality of the paper she produced. In addition to her research endeavors, she played a crucial role in supporting the outlining and drafting of a report on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
During her internship, Akane gained invaluable experience working alongside professionals in the field of human rights. Her internship experience not only enhanced her knowledge and skills but also reaffirmed her commitment to advocating for human rights on a global scale.

Leith Jeroudi is an ambitious and dedicated individual currently pursuing a Master of Arts in Political Science and Public Affairs at St. Louis University Madrid. Throughout his academic journey, he has actively engaged in various research and community-oriented projects, showcasing his commitment to making a positive impact beyond his studies. With a diverse background and an unwavering dedication to making a difference, Leith completed his internship at the Geneva Centre for Human Rights Advancement & Global Dialogue from May 1st to June 30th, 2023. During his tenure with the Centre, he consistently displayed exceptional dedication, enthusiasm, a strong work ethic, professionalism, and a proactive approach to his tasks.

One of the key highlights of Leith’s internship was his successful completion of several important tasks. Notably, he demonstrated exemplary research and writing skills by composing a comprehensive background document for the panel event titled “Surveillance technologies and human rights: Beyond the security – freedom dilemma” on digital technology. This document provided event participants with a solid foundation of knowledge and set the stage for insightful discussions.

Furthermore, he diligently followed and meticulously provided us with summaries of two interactive debates held at the Human Rights Council (HRC). His well-crafted summaries focused on the discussions regarding Sudan and the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT). These summaries have allowed our audience to stay well-informed about these crucial discussions and the latest developments.

In addition to his exceptional research, Leith actively contributed to our Scientific Café Initiative. He willingly participated in an interview with Lucy Ntongai and skillfully distilled the essence of the conversation into a concise and engaging paragraph. His ability to capture complex information in an informative manner was evident in his valuable contribution.

Ashlesha Shringarpure is a student of Political Science and History at McGill University in Montreal. It is her sincere goal to advocate for and enforce the right to equality and human rights. Has extensive experience in academic clubs such as Model United Nations and Debate Club, where she participated in political debates and drafted resolution papers for lobbying.

Shringarpure interned at the Geneva Centre for Human Rights Advancement and Global Dialogue during the summer of 2022,  from 1 August to 1 October.

During the period of her volunteer internship, Ms. Shringarpure worked on a research paper entitled (Youth Empowerment: Youth Movements for the Promotion of Human Rights) in which she explored youth empowerment through, and for, the promotion of human rights, with a focus on the field initiatives and experiences across the world. She clearly demonstrated through her work many of the qualities essential to professionals in this field and proved to be hard-working and efficient.

Wahida Omari is a young lawyer from Afghanistan with human rights, rule of law and development experience with international, intergovernmental organizations and currently is a candidate for Advanced Masters in Transitional Justice, Human Rights and the Rule of Law at the Geneva Academy Of International Humanitarian Law And Human Rights.. She holds an LLM in International Criminal Law and Human Rights Law from Bangor University, United Kingdom.

She is passionate about human rights and international law. During her course of career, she led different projects and initiatives that aimed to advance the rights of women and children in Afghanistan. She also worked with the International Criminal Court with the Office of Prosecutor as an intern (2017) and the Office of Public Counsel for Victims as Visiting Professional (2021-22)respectively.

Between 23 February 2023 and 2 June 2023, Omari will be interning at the Geneva Centre for Human Rights Advancement and Global Dialogue. In this role, she is responsible for following the meetings of the UN Human Rights Council and preparing an analytical paper on selected human rights themes within the UN Human Rights Mechanisms. Additionally, she will follow the UPR and produce two analytic summaries on selected states.


We invite you to complete the internship application form if you are interested in an internship opportunity with the Geneva Centre.

In the event that you are unable to access the application form, please download it here, fill it out and send it to: AFares@gchragd.org


The Geneva Centre for Human Rights Advancement & Global Dialogue (GCHRAGD) strives to promote a universal, value-driven human rights system anchored in equity, non-discrimination, inclusiveness, and solidarity. The Centre was established in Geneva in 2013 and was granted special consultative status in 2017 by the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC). The Centre is an independent human rights think-tank and advocacy institution whose mission is to identify human rights needs and challenges and actively promote and encourage those working in the field.

The GCHRAGD does not pay interns a salary. Internships are offered on a volunteer basis.

  • Interns are responsible for their own travel, health insurance, accommodation, transportation, living expenses and all other costs. Remote internships with the Centre are possible.
  • Interns are responsible for obtaining their visas.
  • Interns should normally apply at least two months in advance before the start of their desired internship, by filling out the application form provided on our website.
  • An internship typically lasts between two to four weeks in person and can be as long as two months remotely (15 hours per week/2 days).
  • The internships must coincide with one of the three annual sessions of the UN Human Rights Council, which are held each March, June, and September.

GCHRAGD accepts remote internships depending on the preferences of the applicant. Remote internships are a flexible and convenient way for interns to gain valuable experience.

Intern responsibilities may vary depending on the intern’s areas of interest, skills and expertise. Tasks can include but are not limited to:

  • Supporting the Geneva Centre’s Human Rights Council Reporting Initiative.
  • Supporting the preparation of future panel events and conferences.
  • Developing social media communications materials.
  • Assisting with fundraising or grant applications.
  • Drafting and writing think pieces and background research on human rights topics.

Yes. Internships with the Geneva Centre are suitable for individuals who would like to gain experience working for an international non-profit organization focused on human rights.

  • Interns must have completed at least one year of university studies and have excellent writing skills demonstrated by a sample text.
  • Interns must have a strong interest in human rights and the ability to work in a small, team-oriented environment.
  • Knowledge of design tools such as Canva is a bonus.