Our mission is anchored in our belief in human rights as essential to the dignity of all human beings, and in dialogue and cooperation to promote development and foster harmony in the world community.

Human rights, although universal at the normative level, are far from universal in practice. There is a gap between the multilateral centres of debate and decision, in Geneva and New York, and the rest of the world, between international consensus and State-level implementation. There is a pressing need to place human rights at the centre of governance and an equal need of overcoming divisive trends by fostering human rights dialogue across cultures, religions and civilizations.

The Geneva Centre’s mission is to:

  • provide a platform for global dialogue through organizing events;
  • conduct research and produce publications on human rights issues;
  • offer human rights trainings through capacity building programs;
  • participate in human rights meetings and inform all stakeholders;
  • network actively with the Permanent Missions, United Nations agencies, non-governmental organizations and academia.